Privacy Policy

The MISSICCI website is a website on the Internet that is a virtual store for the purchase of products by the public who surf the Internet.

  • The site owner and operator is 40342487 MISSICCI
  • The provisions of the regulations apply equally to members of both sexes, and the use of masculine pronouns is for convenience only.
  • The provisions of these terms and conditions and the terms of use appearing on the website define the legal relationship between the customer and the website, the terms of use of the website and / or the ordering of products from the website and indicate the customer’s consent to these terms and additional terms appearing on the website.
  • The owners – ‘MISSICCI, may at any time at their discretion update these Terms and Conditions.
  • ‘MISSICCI’ – The owners do their best to present the complete and comprehensive information about the product including pictures. It is clarified that any inaccuracies / errors / omissions in the description and presentation of the products, the management of the site and the site will not bear any responsibility arising from inaccuracies or errors.
  • A clerical error in the product description will not obligate MISSICCI and the Website.
  • The product images on the website are displayed for illustration purposes only. In addition, there may be differences in appearance, color, size, etc. between the product as it is displayed on the website and reality.
  • Do not copy and use or allow others to use in any other way content from the Site, including other websites, electronic publications, print publications, etc., for any other purpose.
  • The date recorded for each and every interest in the ‘MISSICCI’ computers is the determining date for everything.

site registeration

  • In order to order products, the customer must register on the website using an online registration form.
  • Any person may use the Site, including making purchases subject to being qualified to perform legally binding actions. Holder of a valid credit card, issued by one of the credit card companies.
  • The customer’s details will be updated in accordance with the data to be filled in by the customer in the online registration form found on the website.
  • The management of the MISSICCI website may from time to time require additional identification information.
  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Company shall be entitled to prevent any person from using the Site, temporarily or permanently at its sole discretion and without giving notice thereof in a timely manner, including any of the following:
  • Performing an illegal act and / or violating the provisions of the law
  • Violation of any of the terms of this policy.
  • Deliberately providing incorrect information.
  • Performing an action that may impair the proper operation of the site and / or any of the suppliers and / or any third party.
  • The credit card and / or account held by the customer has been blocked or restricted for use in any way.

Purchase products on the site

  • Products will be purchased by adding products to the shopping cart, after which the customer will enter only his original details, which include: first name, family name, telephone number, e-mail address, ID number. In addition to the details of the recipient of the order: first name, last name, telephone number, locality, street, house number, floor, entrance and any other identifying details that he has to help deliver the shipment. Including comments and information regarding the shipping operations and / or the size and the recipient of the order is not at home. The fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in and without them it will not be possible to complete an order.
  • In order to avoid any possibility of a malfunction in the delivery, the customer must provide only accurate and correct details.
  • When completing the order, the customer confirms its details and the correctness of the details he provided.
  • Filling in all the details is a prerequisite for making the order efficiently and accurately, therefore care must be taken to fill in correct and accurate details.
  • The customer’s details will be updated in accordance with what is stated in the online order form on the website.
  • Filling in all the details required by the customer to purchase the products will be considered to place an order [hereinafter: “the order”] upon receipt of the order, the site will check the credit card details and only after approval of the credit company and / or after receiving approval from PayPal as explained below and all subject to product inventory The company and the website.
  • The details as entered in the online form on the website by the customer will constitute absolute evidence of the correctness of the actions.
  • You can join the ‘MISSICCI’ newsletter and mailing list to receive updates on promotions, collections and other updates. You may withdraw from this mailing list at any time by contacting the Company’s Customer Service Email Address in writing.
  • The prices of the products on the website do not include VAT unless otherwise stated on the sales page.
  • The prices of the products on the website do not include the cost of delivery to the customer’s home.
  • All products offered on the site are original and new. ‘MISSICCI’ reserves the right to change the products and their prices at any time and without prior notice.
  • In the event of a dispute regarding the type and quantity of the product ordered, the registration on the ‘MISSICCI’ computers is decisive.
  • ‘MISSICCI’ will charge the customer by credit card with the product price and shipping fee as specified at the time of sale.
  • Payment for the products will be made by credit card or via Pipe Al and any similar service available for use on the site from time to time at the discretion of the management of the site ‘MISSICCI’.
  • If the customer chooses to use a credit card to make the payment, the customer will be asked to provide the credit card details, ID card, card type and validity. If the customer has decided to pay through PayPal, the company will only be able to collect the payment after receiving approval from PayPal. The use and receipt of the approval from Pipe Al is subject to the policy of the Pipe El website.
  • The management of the ‘MISSICCI’ website reserves the right to stop using any means of payment, allow the use of additional means of payment and apply different payment arrangements to different types of credit cards or means of payment that the management of the ‘MISSICCI’ website will respect.
  • Once the payment details have been entered in the online form, a confirmation of receipt of the order details will be sent to the customer by e-mail. This approval does not obligate the site management to provide the ordered products, and only indicates the reception of the data on the ‘MISSICCI’ computers.
  • Immediately after placing the order, the site management will check the means of payment used by the customer, an appropriate notice will be given to the customer that the order has been approved and his account will be charged for the cost of the service.
  • In the event that the transaction is not approved by the credit company or PayPal, the customer will be notified and the site management will contact the customer to complete or cancel the transaction.
  • Approval of the purchase operation is conditional on the product being purchased in stock on the requested delivery date / order date. If the product is not in stock and the product has not been downloaded from the site by the time the order is placed, the site management will not be obligated to provide the customer with the product and there will be no reason for him to sue. Subject to this, the site management will refund the customer any amount paid, if paid and / or cancel the charge if it was made in respect of the purchase operation.
  • The delivery date of the product listed on the sales page is counted from the date of receipt of approval for the transaction from the credit company or from a digital wallet service such as PayPal.
  • The management of the site does its best to deliver the order quickly, subject to the policy of the Postal Authority and the shipping companies.
  • Product delivery times as indicated on the sales page include only the calculation of business days. Excluding Friday, Saturday. Holiday eves and holidays.
  • If the customer requests to change the delivery address and subject to the management of the ‘MISSICCI’ site, the delivery days will be counted from the date of receipt of the change of address confirmation.
  • ‘MISSICCI’ will not be held responsible for any delay in the delivery of the product beyond its control. In case of delay the customer may cancel his order and get his full money back without any additional compensation.
  • It is clarified that the management of the site may choose its shipping routes according to the courier companies with which it works and in accordance with the local postal authority. Any decision by the site management regarding non-delivery to any destination will not result in a claim on the part of the customer or anyone on his behalf.
  • The delivery of the product is personal to the customer and upon presentation of an identity card. Delivery of the product outside and inside the borders of Israel without presenting these details and in the status of the customer, will clear the management of the site ‘MISSICCI’ from liability in case of loss / theft / other, and in any case the management of the site will not be responsible for supplying a replacement product.
  • Cancellation of an order before shipping the product will be possible at the designated place on the website or via the email address of the ‘MISSICCI’ customer service.
  • The conditions for returning the product are keeping the product in its original packaging, including labels and stickers.
  • In the event of any adverse change in the product including / odor / discoloration / dirt / tear / other and any change in the new and original form of the product, the site management will not be obligated to return the payment.
  • Upon receipt of the product on the customer for our examination. If the customer received the product when it is defective or when the product specification is different from the specification displayed on the website, the customer may cancel the transaction within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product. By notice of cancellation and return via the application form on the website, detailing the reason for the cancellation, all in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 5741-1981.
  • After receiving the cancellation notice, the customer receives the amount paid by him for the product less cancellation fees [shipping fees are not part of the product price and will therefore be deducted separately from the refund] at a rate of 5% of the transaction amount, or NIS 100, whichever is lower.
  • The product will be returned at the customer’s expense without participation from the site management. And within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product. Confirmation of the return of the product will be determined according to the date that appears on the shipment and within 14 days of receipt.
  • In any case where, due to factors not dependent on the management of the ‘MISSICCI’ site it will be impossible to manage the site as repaired, deliver the products or meet various obligations, the management of ‘MISSICCI’ will be able to cancel the contract with the buyers, in whole or in part. Faults in the various communication systems / computer / telephony. Sabotage, security incident and / or force majeure.


  • All intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, designs, designs on the site and trade secrets, are the property of the company only, or of other third parties who have authorized the management of the site to use them.
  • Including data, product list, description and design. These rights also apply to the name of the site and the domain name: Trademarks, images and texts, product images, product design, etc., without obtaining the prior written approval of the company.

Confidentiality and privacy

  • All the personal details of the customer will be stored in the company’s databases.
  • The company will not transfer the personal details of the customer to anyone other than the suppliers, if necessary and only for the purpose of completing the transaction.
  • The company will not make any use of the details of the customer’s means of payment except to make a payment for a transaction that the customer requested to make, and these details will not be passed on to anyone other than for this purpose. The details of the means of payment are not stored in the company’s databases.
  • ‘MISSICCI’ may use the personal details of the customer, without identifying the specific customer, for the purpose of analyzing statistical information and presenting and / or passing it on to other parties.
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, ‘MISSICCI Y’ shall be entitled to transfer a user’s personal details to a third party in cases where the customer has committed an act or omission that harms and / or may harm the company and / or any third parties, the customer has used the company services to commit an illegal act, if obtained by The Company has a court order directing it to provide the customer’s details to a third party as well as in any dispute or legal proceedings.
  • As this is an online activity, MISSICCI cannot guarantee complete immunity from intrusion into its computers or the disclosure of information stored by illegal operators. If a third party is able to penetrate the information held by the company and / or misuse it, the user will not have any claim, claim or demand against the company.
  • MISSICCI will be allowed to use ‘cookies’ in order to provide the user with a fast and efficient service and save the customer the need to enter his personal details every time he enters the site.
  • In cases beyond the control of ‘MISSICCI’ and / or cases arising from force majeure, the company will not be liable for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, caused to the customer and / or anyone on his behalf with this information lost or if it is used unauthorized.
  • The law applicable to these regulations and / or to a dispute arising therefrom is Israeli law.
  • In any case of dispute, the Tel Aviv-Yafo [peace or district] courts will have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear it.
  • The law applicable to the use of the website, the invitation and these regulations, including the interpretation and enforcement of the regulations is Israeli law only.